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    2018-04-18 來源:思潤教育




      Greater emphasis on higher cognitive skills and less dependence on vocabulary

      More text-based materials, such as reading passages

      A broader selection of reading passages

      Emphasis on skills related to graduate work, such as complex reasoning

      Expansion of computer-enabled tasks (e.g., clicking on a sentence in a passage to highlight it)

      Two 40-minute sections rather than one 30-minute section




      Questions 6 through 8 are based on the following reading passage.

      Music critics have consistently defined James P. Johnson as a great early jazz pianist, originator of the 1920's Harlem "stride" style, and an important blues and jazz composer. In addition, however, Johnson was an innovator in classical music, composing symphonic music that incorporated American, and especially African-American, traditions.

      Such a blend of musical elements was not entirely new: by 1924 both Milhaud and Gershwin had composed classical works that incorporated elements of jazz. Johnson, a serious musician more experienced than most classical composers with jazz, blues, spirituals, and popular music, was particularly suited to expand Milhaud's and Gershwin's experiments. In 1927 he completed his first large-scale work, the blues- and jazz-inspired Yamekraw, which included borrowings from spirituals and Johnson's own popular songs. Yamekraw, premiered successfully in Carnegie Hall, was a major achievement for Johnson, becoming his most frequently performed extended work. It demonstrated vividly the possibility of assimilating contemporary popular music into the symphonic tradition.


      6. The passage states that Johnson composed all of the following EXCEPT

      A. jazz works  B. popular songs  C. symphonic music  D. spirituals  E. blues pieces

      此題正確答案為D。文中開始談到Johnson作為偉大爵士音樂家,因為其創始了新的風格,其中包括了blues and jazz。而在文章末句提到了他吸收了同時代的popular music以及symphonic。注意該題的spirituals文中確實也出現過,但是措辭用的是borrow from,題干問的是compose。

      7. Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

      The author suggests which of the following about most classical composers of the early 1920's?

      A. They were strongly influenced by the musical experiments of Milhaud and Gershwin.

      B. They had little working familiarity with such forms of American music as jazz, blues, and popular songs

      C. They made few attempts to introduce innovations into the classical symphonic tradition

      本題即為新GRE閱讀中新醞釀推出的所謂恐怖的"多選題"。其實這種題型即為原來GRE閱讀中羅馬數字題的變體,只是難度進一步加大。正確答案B。——They had little working familiarity with such forms of American music as jazz, blues, and popular songs。本題從出題點分析涉及文中的比較點。最后的邏輯關系用東方閱讀體系表示可以是:Johnson=Milhaud and Gershwin<>most composers。運用取非解題思路。

      8. The author suggests that most critics have

      A. underrated the popularity of Yamekraw

      B. undervalued Johnson's musical abilities

      C. had little interest in Johnson's influence on jazz

      D. had little regard for classical works that incorporate popular music

      E. neglected Johnson's contribution to classical symphonic music

      此題正確答案為E。該題題干提到的critics指引考生定位到文章首段。經過邏輯和套路熟練訓練后,不難把握Music critics have consistently defined James P. Johnson as a great early jazz pianist…… however, Johnson was an innovator in classical music。類似于兩個觀點的對立,為結構上重要內容。


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